- [National Research Council]Национальный исследовательский центр (Канада)
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
NRS — steht für: Norddeutsche Retail Service, ein Dienstleistungsunternehmen für Sparkassen Nordic Rail Service, Betreibergesellschaft Güterwagenwerkstatt Nuclear Resonant Scattering, (dt. Kernresonanzstreuung), physikalische Messmethode Neue… … Deutsch Wikipedia
NRS — NRS, Abkürzung für Noise Reduction System, Rauschminderungssysteme … Universal-Lexikon
NRS — The three character combination NRS may refer to: JANET NRS Janet Name Registration Scheme NRS social grade NRS process used for sugar thin juice decalification in beet sugar factories NRS National Retail Systems Inc., Global Logistics and… … Wikipedia
NRS Newport Corner — HistoryNRS Newport Corner was established by the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in 1942 in the St. Croix River valley in Newport Corner, 50 kilometres northwest of NRS Albro Lake near the rural hamlet of Brooklyn.NRS Newport Corner was a sub unit of… … Wikipedia
NRS Albro Lake — Naval Radio Station Albro Lake (NRS Albro Lake) was a naval radio station operated by the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). Established in 1942 surrounding Albro Lake, then several kilometres north of the town of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, NRS Albro Lake… … Wikipedia
NRS Aldergrove — Naval Radio Section Aldergrove is the Canadian Navy s primary communications relay site for the Pacific fleet. It is located 59 kilometers east of Vancouver, British Columbia and comprises two communications sites which work together; Aldergrove… … Wikipedia
NRS process — The New Regeneration System NRS process is a process to reduce calcium from beet root thin juice. It is used in beet sugar factories to improve the capacity and operating time of evaporators and to produce soft molasses that can be further de… … Wikipedia
NRS social grade — The NRS social grades are a system of demographic classification used in the United Kingdom. They were originally developed by the National Readership Survey in order to classify readers, but are now used by many other organisations for wider… … Wikipedia
NRS — Nevada Revised Statutes (Governmental » State & Local) * Northwest River Supplies (Business » Firms) * Numerical Rating Scale (Medical) * National Readership Survey (Community » Media) * New Revised Standard (Governmental » US Government) * New… … Abbreviations dictionary
NRS — Neurobehavioral Rating Scale; normal rabbit serum; normal reference serum; Norman Roberts syndrome; numerical rating scale … Medical dictionary
NRS — National Registration Service an HM Revenue & Customs registration service that process National Export System ( NES) authorisations and updates and maintains the electronic register on authorised operators. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms